
Welcome aboard!

BLUESCAPE is a cutting-edge magazine for the adventurous and wanderlusty, cultural mavericks, ocean aficionados and explorers of deepness. The outdoor freak, culture vulture, water sportsman and those suffering from the travel bug alike indulge here in their passion: their love for the oceans.

We are an ambitious team of creative cosmopolitans and share our passion for powerful eloquence and groundbreaking graphic art. We enjoy textual subtlety and stunning pictures alike. We were looking for a magazine that understood our fascination with the seven seas, our longing for adventure and our delight in dry wit and global topics. We found none. Therefore we founded BLUESCAPE.

I am overjoyed to welcome you aboard! We are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime: a journey to the horizon – and beyond.

Anchors aweigh!