Ocean Chart – Navigating the Bluescape Site

"It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better." (Sir Francis Drake)
Trust in wind and waves. Set sail, head for the horizon and then go just a little further.

23. April 2020 | Telescope

Tasmanien – down under down under

The Australian federal state Tasmania is located amidst the “Roaring Forties”
– a zone of strong westerly winds between the 40th and 50th southern latitudes –and offers a different kind of Australia off the beaten track of typically Australian tourist attractions like Ayers Rock or Sydney Opera House.

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22. April 2020 | Abyss

Couch potato and bucket list

Have you ever drawn praise for being a couch potato? “Stay home – stay safe… to keep others safe”… Being a couch potato equals being a hero these days. But where to put your wanderlust, the urge to explore the world, the desire to see sea and sky merge at the horizon? Armchair travelling is the new, unwanted trend.

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15. January 2020 | Lighthouse

Point Nemo – In the Middle of Nowhere

You long for solitude? A lonely place devoid of all people, with no mobile network, no WLAN or other undesired impacts of human civilisation? We have found the perfect spot for you.

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10. January 2020 | Cargo

10 Questions for Austrian photographer Torsten Mühlbacher

The 2019 edition of BLUESCAPE featured young Tyrolean landscape photographer Torsten Mühlbacher. We wanted to learn more about the winsome guy with the shy smile and met him for our Q&A.

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30. October 2019 | Breakers

The Vikings – Conquerors of the seas!

Vikings conquering half of Europe … again

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25. September 2019 | Lighthouse


This blog post is not yet available in English, but we are working on it.

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16. September 2019 | Cargo

Das große Trinken – Das Geschäft mit dem Wasser

! This blog post is not yet available in English, but we are working on it.

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